To run a Native ad campaign using DCO on STX using Xandr, users must first set up a Native Display creative.
As of 8/24/17 Flashtalking is the only supported DCO provider.
Creative Specs:
- Headline: 90 character max
- Description: 140 characters max
- Image: 600x315 minimum
Creative Assets:
- DCO Asset URLs from 3rd party vendor
- Backup headline, description and image in order to build the unit in Xandr, to serve only in the instance where DCO creative serving fails.
To run a native campaign on STX using the Xandr Console, users must first set up a native creative. Once logged in and in the Advertiser details section, follow these steps:
(note that this guide uses AppNexus New Creative view)
1) In the Creative Manager, click "Create New" -> "Native"
2) Enter a Name. This is the name that will show up in the Xandr Creative manager and will not appear on the unit. If no name is entered, it will default to the name of the image file
3) Enter the URL where the user will click to.
4) Upload both Desktop and Mobile backup images using left side bar and assign them to your creative.
Note that the “Icon” field will become the ad unit backup thumbnail for mobile placements (min 320x180) and the “Image” field will become the backup thumbnail for desktop placements (min 600x315).
Within the Creative Preview section of Console, the “Icon” will display in the top left corner and the “Image” will display centered in the bottom but these do not reflect the actual position in a live ad unit.
5) Enter a backup headline in the Title field (90 chars max). On the right side bar you can validate that your headline meets Sharethrough specs.
6) Enter the brand name in the “Sponsored by” field. This will show up as “Sponsored by <brand>” on the ad unit.
7) Enter a backup body text or description (140 chars max). Note it does not show up on every placement.
8) Sharethrough does not support the “Call to Action Text” field, no need to enter it.
9) After inputting these elements, the user can set up pixels, frequency cap and segments.
10) In the Third Party Pixels section, enter your DCO creative URL in the Image URL section. This URL will call your DCO creative unit set up with your DCO vendor and will serve that creative in the place of the backup Native Display Ad you build in Xandr.
11) On the Creative Quality Section, make sure to select “Platform audit” to let Xandr review the creative for approval.
12) Review the backup creative you have built. You will not see the DCO creative populate here, but should ensure this backup message would be ok to serve in the chance your DCO creative does not load properly.
To see how to target native creatives to STX, read Targeting STX Inventory in Xandr.
For more information on buying in Xandr, please visit their wiki.
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