1) Display
Accepted sizes and able to be enhanced: 300x250, 250x250, 336x280, 320x50, 300x50, 300x600, 160x600, 728x90, 320x100, 120x100
Accepted but NOT enhanced: 970x250, 768x1024, 1024x768, 120x160, 320x480, 970x90, 300x400, 300x300
- Banner Headline: 90 Characters Max Including Spaces (2-3 per creative recommended - Sharethrough can draft recommended copy for client approval)
- Banner Description: 140 Characters Max Including Spaces (Sharethrough can draft recommended copy for client approval)
- Promoted By Slug: 25 Characters
- Brand logo (optional, but recommended): The icon that shows up next to the brand name. Square ratio required 48x48 min
- Accepted Banner Sizes: 300x250, 250x250, 336x280, 160x600, 728x90, 300x600, 320x50, 320x100, 120x100, 300x50
- CTA text: text copy, 20 characters max
- Offer expiry date:time: Date and (timezone specific) time the offer is expiring. This date: time is used to compute the remaining days/hours/minutes/seconds displayed by the timer.
- CTA text color: HEX#, default is black
- Countdown text color: HEX#, default is black
- Background color: HEX#, default is white
- Accepted Sizes: 300x250, 250x250, 336x280, 320x50, 300x50, 320x100, 120x100, 300x600, 160x600, 120x600, 300x50, 728x90)
2) OLV - Video
VAST: version 2.0 - 4.0
VPAID: version 2.0
Hosted Video file: 1280x720 min, 100MB max
- Video Headline: 90 Characters Max Including Spaces (2-3 per creative recommended - Sharethrough can draft recommended copy for client approval)
- Video Description: 140 Characters Max Including Spaces (Sharethrough can draft recommended copy for client approval)
- Promoted By Slug: 25 Characters
- Brand logo (optional, but recommended): The icon that shows up next to the brand name. Square ratio required 48x48 min
Optional Dynamic Video Captions:
- .SRT file if captions differ from dialogue included in video asset
- Content URL
- Promoted By Slug: 140 Characters Max - Confirm advertisers nameBrand logo (optional, but recommended): The icon that shows up next to the brand name. Square ratio required 48x48 min
Optional Outstream Video Countdown:
- CTA text: text copy, 20 characters max
- Offer expiry date:time: Date and (timezone specific) time the offer is expiring. This date:time is used to compute the remaining days/hours/minutes/seconds displayed by the timer.
- CTA text color: HEX#, default is black
- Countdown text color: HEX#, default is black
- Background color: HEX#, default is white
3) CTV
Connected TV devices have a large screen size and support high-definition video creative formats. The following specifications are recommended:
- VAST: 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 specifications. (VPAID and MRAID are not supported)
- File format: .mp4 and .mov
- Resolution: 1920 x 1080 - 1080 Quality (HD preferred)
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
- Bitrate range : 10,000 - 30,000 kbps
- Max file size: 10 GB
- Accepted creative lengths: :15, :30
- Selected sport(s): NFL, NHL, NBA, NHL, MLS or select specific values from this list
- Logo: PNG, Square ratio required, 190x190 recommended
- Background color: HEX#, default is black
- If you want to add a QR code, we need a destination URL (if different than the one URL wrapped in the VAST tag).
- Please send Sharethrough team Creative IDs for anything that should be enhanced.
- Please send your VAST Tag sheet to the Sharethrough team for QA purposes.
Optional Sports Ticker - Golf:
- Selected sport(s) : PGA Golf Tour
- Logo: PNG, Square ratio required, 190x190 recommended
- Background color: HEX#, default is black
- Destination URL: if different than the one URL wrapped in the VAST tag
- Click tracker can also be implemented if provided to track scans
- Please send Sharethrough team Creative IDs for anything that should be enhanced.
- Notes: We do not incorporate User Location and cannot run other sports leagues dynamically. Golf is a separate enhancement.
- Please send your VAST Tag sheet to the Sharethrough team for QA purposes.
- CTA Countdown text: text copy, 50 characters max
- Countdown text color: HEX#, default is white
- Background color: HEX#, default is black
- Offer expiry date:time: Date and (timezone specific) time the offer is expiring. This date: time is used to compute the remaining days/hours/minutes/seconds displayed by the timer.
- Optional QR Code: CTA for QR code: text copy, max 50 characters. Default - SCAN FOR MORE DETAILS
- Optional QR Code CTA text color: HEX#, default is white
- Please send Sharethrough team Creative IDs for anything that should be enhanced.
- Please send your VAST Tag sheet to the Sharethrough team for QA purposes.
- Logo: PNG, Square ratio required, 190x190 recommended
- Background color: HEX#, default is black
- Destination URL: if different than the one URL wrapped in the VAST tag
- Click tracker can also be implemented if provided to track scans
- Please send Sharethrough team Creative IDs for anything that should be enhanced.
- Please send your VAST Tag sheet to the Sharethrough team for QA purposes.
- Logo: PNG, Square ratio required, 190x190 recommended
- Background color: HEX#, default is black OR background image (jpg or png 1920x1080 px)
- 3-9 products pictures (jpg or png, 400x450 px, max file size 100MB)
- Product names: Optional, max 20 characters
- CTA: Maximum of 50 characters
- Font: Choice of fonts listed here
- Destination URL: if different than the one URL wrapped in the VAST tag
- Click tracker can also be implemented if provided to track scans
- Option to add a Shopping Feed URL
- Please send Sharethrough team Creative IDs for anything that should be enhanced.
- Please send your VAST Tag sheet to the Sharethrough team for QA purposes.
- Should not be VPAID
- The tag should be composed of a maximum of three (3) layers: a maximum of two (2) VAST wrappers pointing to the
in line
VAST tag.- Ex : A video file hosted in an AdServer, outputting a VAST tag trafficked in a DSP.
For optimal performance, the tag should be composed of a maximum of two (2) layers: 1 VAST wrapper pointing to the
in line
VAST tag.- Ex: A video file hosted in a DSP.
4) Native
The OpenRTB spec now supports the same basic meta elements for all native ad transactions.
- The specs below will generally apply to all buying platforms accessing Sharethrough, but it is recommended buyers reference the DSP-specific guides (see below) in this wiki for additional requirements.
Native Copy Limits
- Headline: 90 Characters
- Description: 140 Characters
- Brand Name: 25 Characters
Native Assets
Thumbnail: While our recommended ratio is 1000x750, we can accept any size as long as they meet the minimum requirement of 600x315.
- Largest image we accept is 2000x2000
- Brand Logo: 1:1 ratio (48x48 minimum)
The most important part of the native unit.
OpenRTB provides for 3 lengths (25 characters, 90 characters, 140 characters - including spaces). Sharethrough supports all three, but recommends using headlines no greater than 90 characters to avoid cutoff.
Additional copy below the headline — maximum 140 characters, including spaces. Note that the description does not show up on all placements.
Content URL
The URL where the ad will drive traffic (display ads only), but is required for both native display and native video.
Sharethrough recommends providing one thumbnail for both mobile and desktop, while our recommended ratio is 1000x750 we can accept any size as long as they meet the minimum requirements.
Minimum size by device:
- Mobile: minimum 320x180
- Desktop: minimum 600x315
Brand Name
The name of the brand associated with the ad.
Brand Logo (optional, but recommended)
The icon that shows up next to the brand name. Square ratio required 48x48 min
No larger than 1GB
Specific DSP specs are below.
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