This page describes how to target Sharethrough as a PMP or as a separate exchange source. This process will apply to all formats, which includes Native, Display, Video and CTV.
Line item setup guides:
- Yahoo Display Line Item Setup
- Yahoo Third Party Native Line Item Setup
- Yahoo Video Line Item Setup
- Yahoo CTV Line Item Setup
Targeting Sharethrough Inventory
In the Inventory section at the Line Item level, you can choose to target or block certain exchanges, deals, auction types (first price, second price), apps and sites, as well as specific site-level placements such as the display ad’s position on the page or the video player size. You can also block malware using the fraud avoidance controls.
To target exchanges or deals:
Select a radio button to target either exchanges or deals.
Select Exchanges to target "Sharethrough" as an open exchange source
Select Deals to target a specific "Sharethrough" PMP
Targeting Sharethrough as an Open Exchange Source:
- To target Sharethrough as an open exchange source, check "Exchanges" and select "Sharethrough" to add as an open exchange inventory source
Targeting a Sharethrough PMP:
- To target a specific Sharethrough PMP, select "Deals" and search for the Deal ID that was sent by your Sharethrough rep
- The Deal ID will not appear at the line item level until it has been uploaded as a new deal on the Registered Deals Dashboard tab(steps below):
Steps to create deals under Registered Deals Dashboard Tab:
- Within the "Inventory" page, select the "Registered Deals Dashboard" tab
- Click Create New Deal
- Enter the details for the deal:
- Type a name for the deal in the Name field
- Move the Status slider to the Active position
- Select "Sharethrough" from the Exchange dropdown
- Enter the Sharethrough deal ID
- Enter a $1 reserve price for the deal
- Click Create New Deal
- Deal will now be targetable at the Line Item level
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