See how easy it is to make your own ad using this ad generator.
To run a Native ad campaign on STX using The Trade Desk, users must first set up a Native Display creative.
Here's a short tutorial video:
1. Click on the Creatives tab within the Campaign section. Click Upload Creative.
2. In the Creative Type drop-down, select "Hosted Native".
3. Upload at least one file (maximum of three) to serve as the main image of the native ad unit. Sharethrough recommends submitting 1 image that will run across Desktop and Mobile with approx. resolution 1200x627. **Note that Mobile minimum is 320x180 and Desktop minimum 600x315. Maximum image size that TTD accepts is 2000x2000.
4. Upload the brand logo that will appear next to the "Ad by <Brand>" text. This is optional as it will not appear in all placements.
5. Enter the name of the campaign. This will only appear in TTD and will not show up on the actual ad unit.
6. Enter the URL of the brand's homepage. This will not appear or be used in the ad unit, but is used for reporting. (5)
7. Enter a headline for the ad unit (called "title" in The Trade Desk). TTD supports two headline lengths, but Sharethrough highly recommends entering a 90-character headline as longer headlines tend to drive higher engagement. (6) It is not mandatory to have a short headline, this is an option. You need to put either a long headline/description combination AND/OR short headline/description combination.
8. Enter a long description for the ad unit. The description does not show up on all Sharethrough placements, but when it is included it appears as a subheading below the headline. The maximum character length for the description on STX is 140 characters. (7)
9. Enter the ad by/brand name in the "Sponsor" field. (8)
10. Enter the URL of the page to which the ad will click through. Buyers can include a click tracker in this field if preferred. (9)
11. Enter the flight dates for the creative if required. Flight dates are optional, if nothing is selected, it will follow the ad group/campaign flight dates. (10)
12. Click "Create" to finalize the creative. (11)
13. The creative is done! Click "Go to creative" to view.
After inputting these elements, the user can set up pixels, attributes, associations and segments as normal.
To see how to target native creatives to STX, read Targeting STX Inventory in The Trade Desk.
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